Differentiable Simulators

Why Differentiable?

  • Gradients can be computed natively.
    • policy gradients for control tasks
    • dynamics jacobians for model-based control
    • physical property gradients for model fitting
    • other cool things

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  • Alternatives:
    • Finite differencing: evaluating the forward simulation multiple times with small perturbations to the relevant parameters to approximate the relevant gradients
    • Gradient-free: inefficient and approximate

Why avoid finite-differencing?

  1. the high computational burden of finite differencing when computing the gradient with respect to a large number of model/policy parameters
  2. the instability of numerical gradients over long time horizons, especially if contacts change over the course of a rollout (roundoff errors)

Current Approach

  • Existing simulators simply add an analytical description of the LCP problem. Typically utilizing a library like pytorch that enables autograd.

Examples of use cases

from Filipe de A. Belbute-Peres ... Tenenbaum/Kolter

  • First, we show that it can infer the mass of an object by observing the dynamics of a scene.
  • Next, we demonstrate that embedding a differentiable physics engine within a deep autoencoder network can lead to high accuracy predictions and improved sample efficiency.
  • Finally, we use the differentiable physics engine together with gradient-based control methods to show that we can learn to perform physics-based tasks with low sample complexity when compared to model-free methods.

Current Options

eventually Mujoco


The frontier of simulation-based inference
End-to-End Differentiable Physics for Learning and Control